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New order of 30 MQ-9 armed drones for indian military

                                                   MQ 9   REAPER

The general atomics MQ-9 Reaper is an unmanned aerial vehicle capable of remotely controlled or autonomous flight operations developed by general atomics Aeronautical systems 

This UAV is capable of carrying out day ad night operations with weapons which means that it is a armed UAV which can perform both reconnaissance and surveillance roles as well as attack roles during operations in the enemy territory . The Reaper is designed for high altitude long endurance attack missions 

The indian DAC i.e. the defence acquisitions council have today i.e. on 29 July 2021 have approved the purchase of 30 MQ 9 Reaper drones for the indian armed forces 10 each for indian army , indian navy , and indian air force

After seeing the satisfaction of the forces which came from seeing the performance of the two SEA guardian drones which where leased from the united states on 25 november 2020 and the officials claimed that this procurement will be done from the US on the worth of $3 billion which when we convert to indian rupees will be 22000 crore rupees

Procurement of armed drones will further strengthen the indian offensive capabilities as it till date indian military only operate drones for surveillance and reconnaissance missions . earlier one of the services was not keen to go ahead with the procurement of PREDATOR B armed drones . But now all issues have been resolved . DAC will take a final call on the issue soon 


  • Crew                                         : 0 onboard, 2 in ground station
  • Length:                                       36 ft 
  • Wingspan                                   65 ft                            
  • Height:                                       12 ft
  • Empty weight:                            4,901 lb (2,223 kg)
  • Max takeoff weight:                   10,494 lb (4,760 kg)
  • Fuel capacity:                            4,000 lb (1,800 kg)
  • Payload:                                     3,800 lb (1,700 kg)
  • Powerplant:                               1 × Honeywell TPE331-10 turboprop, 900 hp (671 kW) with Digital                                                                          Electronic Engine Control (DEEC)


  • Maximum speed:                      300 mph 
  • Cruise speed:                           194 mph
  • Range:                                      1,200 mi 
  • Endurance                               : 40 hours 
  • Service ceiling:                         50,000 ft
  • Operational altitude:                  25,000 ft


    7 hard points which can be used to carry 

    1.        4 AGM 114 Helfire missiles for air to ground

    2.   GBU 12   PAVEWAY  BOMBS

    3.   GBU 38  JDAM BOMB

    And also the Reaper can carry air to air stinger missiles ATAS


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