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Showing posts with the label PAKISTANI JF 17 THUNDER

Can pakistani JF 17 with CM 400 AKG destroy indian aircraft carrier INS VIKRANT

  INS   VIKRANT INS V ikrant , also known as  Indigenous Aircraft Carrier 1  ( IAC-1 ),  is an AIRCRAFT CARRIER  constructed for the   indian  navy by Cochin  shipyard limited  Recently it has started its maden sea trials and will be commissioned  in the indian navy by August 2022    The carrier has t5he capability to carry around 36 to 40 aircrafts on it out of which 26 will be fixed wing attack aircrafts and 10 will be Ka 31 for AWACS role and  MH 60 R for anti submarine role and  HAL Dhruv for replenishment roles  The carrier is equipped with 64 x Barak 8 missiles and 4 x Otobreda 76 mm cannons and 4 AK630 close in weapon systems And the carrier is equipped with ELTA ELM 2248 AESA  radar which has a radar range of 450 km for a high altitude aircrafts and can guide missiles to their targets .And also the carrier is equipped with a secondary radar selex RAN 40 L w...