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Showing posts with the label amrullah Saleh


  As we know that on 14 august 2021 taliban forces surrounded Kabul from all sides and by 15 august the president of afghanistan Ashraf Ghani resigned and fled from the country and with his resignation the military commanders also resigned and within a matter of 24 hours the country came under the direct control of Taliban  HOW WAS NORTHERN ALLIANCE 2.0 RAISED AND WHAT IS THEIR STRENGTH ? But on 15 August there was one guy who was still standing against the taliban he left the capital and took refuge in the nearby province of Panjshir which was still free of the taliban forces and there he met Ahmad Massoud the son of the legendary fighter Ahmad Shah Massoud who is known in Afghanistan for his hate and fight against the taliban . And on 15 August the vice president declared himself as the caretaker president of Afghanistan as the President Ashraf Ghani resigned and fled the country and together the new President Saleh and Ahmad Massoud raised a force of 9000 which basically i...


On 14 august Taliban surrounded the capital of Afghanistan , Kabul and on 15 August after a peaceful dialogue without firing a single shot . Ashraf Ghani the president of Afghanistan surrendered and gave his resignation as the President of the Islamic Republic Of Afghanistan and ran away from the country and according to some western media reports is in UAE    With the resignation of the President of Afghanistan the generals of the Afghanistan defense forces have also surrendered and Taliban have fully taken over the governance of the country with Abdul Ghani Baradar as the new president of Afghanistan they have also renamed the country from Islamic republic Of Afghanistan to Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan have changed the logo (emblem) of the country and have also decided to change the flag of the country              THE FUTURE AND CHALLENGES AHEAD OF TALIBAN    Since Taliban have taken over Afg...