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Indian nuclear programme was innitailly started to  fulfill the growing energy demands of the country

The initiative was taken in 1948 by DR HOMI JAHANGIR BHABHA he approched the then PM NEHRU and encouraged him to setup a INDIAN NUCLEAR PROGRAMME 

IN 1948 atomic energy commision was established which was headed by HOMI BHABHA  
and 6 years later the  DEPARTMENT ATOMIC ENERGY was established in 1954 

from 1955 onwards INDIANS established the nuclear cooperation treaty with CANADA , USA and FRANCE 

BUT in 1962 India and china went on war and on 16 Oct 1964 under the project 596 under the code name Miss Qiu china conducted nuclear test which forced india to rethink of its nuclear  policy 

IN 1964 under the leader ship of PM LAL BAHADUR SHASTRI the indian nuclear programme started getting weaponising , but the INDO-PAK war of 1965 haulted the indian nuclear programme due to lack of funding , remember this was the time of COLD WAR when the world started getting dividing into two grops lead by USA and USSR , INDIA asked both the groups to take them under their nuclear umbrella but both of them refused 

By the early 70`s indian intellectuals got divided into two groups 

              1.   THE HAWKS     who favoured nuclear weapons 


But the  INDO PAK WAR OF 1971 was the cherry on the cake and it give the indian government an blank clearance to develop the nuclear programe in the record time within 25 months of the ending of the 1u971 war  with the codename of SMILING BUDDHA , INDIA counducted its first nuclear weapon test in  POKHRAN , RAJASTHAN  ON 18 MAY 1974

 But later INDIA had to face the consequences for the NUCLEAR TESTS and INDIA was kicked out of the nuclear treaties with USA , CANADA and  FRANCE  .and harsh sanctions were imposedon INDIA  which forced india to go with the SOVIETS and they helped india a lot in developing the india nuclear programme 

But soon support for the indian nuclear programme came to an standstill the harsh santions which where not so harsh for the indian government because of the soviet union became worse as in the 90`s the soviet union was dessolved by the GORBACHEV GOVERNMENT  .

 By the mid 90`s the Chinese and the americans started arming pakistan especially the Chinese provided pakistan with the critical nuclear technology and helped therm making their nuclear weapons 

This discovery made Indian government furious and under the leadeship of PM ATAL BIHARI VAJPAYEE and the planning of the great indian scientist DR APJ ABDUL KALAM india counducted three underground nulear tests on 11 may1998 and 2 other tests on 13 may1998 

IN these 5 nuclear tests their where 4 ATOMIC bombs and 1 HYDROGEN bomb 

ofcourse these tests had much harder conequences but this made the world very clear about the Indian nuclear weapon capabilities 

      CHALLENGES        AHEAD       OF      INDIA                   IN   NUCLEAR         DOMAIN 

India mainteined a ``no first use`` nuclear policy which said that in case of war with a non nuclear nation india would not attack with its nuclear weapons and if a war brokes out between india any of the nuclear state { PAKISTAN and CHINA } then india would only fire or use its nuclear weapons if India is attacked first  by nuclear weapons

 There is always a risk of a two front war I.e war against Pakistan and China 

As pakistan has 165 nukes and the Chinese have around 350 nukes 

For an instance the Chinese could be trusted for not going for a first nuclear strike as they have signed a no first use policy just like India but Paskistan is a highly destabilize state and could not be trusted at once 


1.    To decrease the risk of any eventuality India is steady working on its weapons of mass destruction I.e its nuclear weapons 

Reports suggest that every year India is producing 10 to 15 nuclear weapons which is among the fastest rate of nuclear weapons productions in the world 

 In a discussion paper for Harvard University’s Belfer Center its report concluded that India has the capacity to produce up to 2,686 nuclear weapons.

So hypothetically if situations occur and India is forced to do so then india will become the 3rd largest nuclear weapons possessing nation on the planet

2.     INDIA is not only working on its offensive capabilities but it is also working on its defensive capabilities as India is the fourth country after US,  Russia , Israel to have a full proof Ballestic missile defence system by which India have developed multilayer air defence weapons such as 

PAD ( prithvi air defence )

AAD ( advance air defence ) 

Which have capabilities to destroy any incoming nuclear ballestic missile from a range of 5000 km which means it could destroy any missile which comes from china or pakistan 

3.     INDIA is also encouraging the international community to help destroy the pakistani nuclear missiles as pakistan is a destabilize nuclear state and if any of it's nuclear arsenal goes in the hands of an terrorist organisation 



1   India is increasing its nuclear arsennel so as to meet its future requirements 

2   India is also increasing its defencive capabilities 

and the last and the most important point

3   the world recognise India as a responsible nuclear power not just because its the worlds biggest market but because its the worlds biggest Democracy


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