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                                                                  J -  20

The Chengdu J-20  also known as Mighty Dragon  is a single-seat, twinjet, all weather, stealth, fifth-generation fighter aircraft developed by CHENGDU AIRCRAFT COORPORATION for the peoples liberation air force The J-20 is designed as an air superiority fighter with precision strike capability .

The J-20 made its maiden flight on 11 January 2011, and was officially revealed at the 2016 China internation; aviation and aerospace exhibition . The aircraft entered service in March 2017, and began its combat training phase in September 2017. The first J-20 combat unit was formed in February 2018.

  • Length: 20.3 m
  • Wingspan: 12.8m
  • Height: 4.45 m
  • Wing area: 73 m2 
  • Empty weight: 17,000 kg 
  • Gross weight: 25,000 kg 
  • Max takeoff weight: 37,000 kg 
  • Fuel capacity: 12,000 kg (26,000 lb) internally
  • Powerplant: 2 × saturn al 31 FM2  afterburning turbofan, 145 kN (33,000 lbf) with afterburner


  • Maximum speed: Mach 2.5
  • Cruise speed: 2,183 km/h 
  • Range: 5,500 km with 2 external fuel tanks
  • Combat range: 2,000 km
  • Service ceiling: 66,000 ft
  • g limits: +9/-3
  • Rate of climb: 304 m/s 
  • Wing loading: 340 kg/m2 
  • thrust to weight ratio 0.92 (1.12 with loaded weight and 50% fuel) with AL-31 Fm 2
  • Aircraft with thrust-to-weight ratio greater than 1:1 can pitch straight up and maintain airspeed until performance decreases at higher altitude.

  • Maximum weapon capacity: 11,000 kg (24,000 lb)
  • Internal weapon bays
    • PL10 short range AAM
    • PL 12 Medium Range AAM
    • PL 15 BVR long range AAM
    • PL 21  Long Range AAM
    • LS 6 Precision-guided Bomb
  • External hardpoints
    • 4× under-wing pylon for carrying drop tanks.


  • Type 1475 KLJ 5 AESA Radar
  • EOTS-86 electro-optical targeting system (EOTS)
  • EORD-31 Infrared search and track

  • Distributed aperture system

Wikipedia comparison already makes the J20 aircraft a stealth aircraft but its not the full story

                       IS    J-20    REALLY                      STEALTHY     AS   THE   AMERICAN    F-22

No  because stealth features are determined on the following parameters

1.                                                                                        Geometry

       J20 is a diamond shaped stealth air craft which very much resembles to the american F22 RAPTOR as it is believed that the China have theft the technology of the the american F35 with the help of its military hackers

the biggest problem which the Chinese J20 faces id that the aircraft was unstable aerodynamically  and to come up with that issue the Chengdu aircraft cooperation have added canards which are the small wings in front of the aircraft near the canopy 

these small wings or the canards increases the radar cross section of the aircraft as it violates the basic definition of stealth which states that in a stealth aircraft there can be no moving part outside the body and also their should be no gap between  any two surfaces of a stealth aircraft

here the J20 have completely moved the canards to the vertical position which destroys the stealth of the aircraft completely and increases the radar cross section exponentially

 2.                                                              Paint  

during the cold war the americans have had developed the F117 aircraft and everybody accepts the fact that the american technology is the most superior than any other country in the world 

on 27 march 1999 a american F117 nighthawk was shot down by a air to air missile fire by the Yugoslavian AIR FORCE  
and it is believed the some of the parts of the american f117 where supplied to china and the chinese have had derived the external stealth coating of its j20 from the parts of the night hawk

but today stealth coatings are far more advance and sophisticated than the coatings of the f117 developed in the late 80`s

american f117 nihthawk

f117 spotted at the Electro-Optical Technology Development Center in Luoyang, China.

3.                                                                Problems with the engines

The Chinese J 20 uses a saturn AL31 FM2 afterburning turbofan engine which is a russian engine and a variant of which is used in the Indian air forces SU30 MKI which means that the basic design of the AL31 engine is derived from a fourth generation engine and the concepts of stealth suggests that no fifth generation aircraft can use a fourth generation aircraft engine 

because the fourth generation engines have a high amount of height emissions and and also have higher radar cross sections so these kind of engines can be detected easily by any ground radar station or fighter aircraft's radar

since china is using a fourth generation engine in its so called fifth generation fighter defies all the logic of J20 being a fifth generation fighter aircraft as the engine automatically increases both the emissions i.e the radar emissions and the infrared emissions and makes J20 much more capable to be detected by enemies radar 

considering the size and he4 weight of the fighter aircraft the engines are inefficient to provide that much power to the aircraft  and The Chinese avionics and the electronics like the radars and the electronic warfare suits are not power optimized like the western systems so due to lack of power the Chinese pilots can not operate their sub systems on full power 
because we should keep this thing in mind that stealth is not just the outer physical stealth its also the avionics and the electronics installed in the aircraft

4.                                                                                     Air    intakes

all the true fifth fighter aircraft in the world uses serpentine air intakes or s structued air intakes in them  . it is done to ensure that the engine is not directly visible to the radar on the enemies aircraft because engines have the most rotating parts in a aircraft specially the fans in the engines which are purely made up of metal and if placed in front of a radar can destroy the entire stealth of a aircraft

to come up with issue the air intakes are slightly distorted from the engine so as to hide the moving pars of the engine and these kind of air intakes are called serpentine air intakes 

american F 35 lightning where the air intakes are in the side of the canopy and the engine is exactly in the middle which hides the engine entirely and decreases the frontal RCS significantly  

where as in the case of the Chinese J20 the air intakes are made as straight as possible knowingly that the engine which the J20 uses is a fourth generation engine which on its own have the capability to increase the RCS significantly on its own

             J20  DETECTED   SEVERAL   TIMES 

1.     Reports suggest that Indian SU30 MKI flying on a routine mission in northeast india have had detected the Chinese J20 when the j20 was conducting flight training over Tibet

IAF Air chief Marshall BS DHANOA confirmed the news that the Indian air force have had detected the J20 and said that the sukhoi radar have seen the chinese J20 and are not invisible after all and no special technology is required to detect the Chinese j20 as it can be detected by ordinary radar stations 

2.     The Chinese has plans to invade Taiwan forcefully

and so in order to achieve their goals the Chinese conducted the flight sorties over the chinese maritime airspace close to Taiwan and at the same time the american P8a  POSEIDON and the Taiwanese ground radar stations picked up the Chinese J20 hundreds of miles away from the the Taiwanese coast

                                         j20  stolen  technologies

most of the technologies of the chinese j20 is being stolen from the american F35 program and it can be said that the j20 is a Chinese copy of the american f35 

the pentagon began the F35 program in 2001 with a aim to develop a cost effective fifth generation fighter for the replacement for the aging F16 , F15 AND F18 


as the earlier fifth generation F22 raptor was the most expensive fighter aircraft in the USAF which costed around $250 to $300 million per aircraft 

China obtained more than 50 TERABYTES of data from the US defense and government networks
notably the joint strike fighter stealth radar and the engine secrets through the medium of cyber espionage or cyber theft

The pentagon estimated that the Chinese hackers had conducted more than 30000 cyber attacks on the american fifth generation program and more than 500 attacks where significant intrusions in the department of defense 

more than 1600 network computers where penetrated and at least 600000 user accounts where compromised from the Chinese cyber espionage

although the Chinese might copy the american technologies but they are no able to completely decode the  as to why these the tech are used  also they could not do any further modifications in that technologies because the Chinese don`t know that why where these systems created and from what where these technologies where derived from

for example :  a person can copy someones mathematical theorem but it could not copy that what where the thought process of that person while creating that theorem and the person also don`t know that in how many different ways the same result can be achieved using different methods


J20 is not at all staealth aircraft because it is 

1.   half stealth from outside geometry because of its canards and its moving horizontal                                  stabalisers  
2. air intakes are straight not serpentine
3. avionics and the technologies are stolen which can not be modifiedd
4. fourth generation engine for a so called fifth generation aircraft
5. problems with the piant not being so much radar absorbent


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