As we know that on 14 august 2021 taliban forces surrounded Kabul from all sides and by 15 august the president of afghanistan Ashraf Ghani resigned and fled from the country and with his resignation the military commanders also resigned and within a matter of 24 hours the country came under the direct control of Taliban
But on 15 August there was one guy who was still standing against the taliban he left the capital and took refuge in the nearby province of Panjshir which was still free of the taliban forces and there he met Ahmad Massoud the son of the legendary fighter Ahmad Shah Massoud who is known in Afghanistan for his hate and fight against the taliban . And on 15 August the vice president declared himself as the caretaker president of Afghanistan as the President Ashraf Ghani resigned and fled the country
and together the new President Saleh and Ahmad Massoud raised a force of 9000 which basically included the local afghans , people from all the tribes whether it would be the pashtun`s , uzbek`s , hazara`s , tajik`s and the the people loyal to the afghan government and Ahmad Massoud
and recent reports also suggest that the soldiers which had to put down their weapons because of the resignations of their army chief and the president are also on their way to join the resistance against the taliban and their strength is around 50,000
And since Saleh was the earlier chief of the afghan intelligence agency called as the National Directorate of Security ( NDS ) he must have huge bunch of secret information coming from his earlier and present spy`s regarding the concentration of the talibani forces in the various parts of Afghanistan

After the takeover of the Afghanistan by the taliban on 15 august since then the Northern alliance 2.0 or the resistive forces have captured several territories back from the talibani forces which included the territories like Pul e hesar , Deh e Saleh , Banu districts of the Balghan province and the charikar area in the Parwan province which are in the north direction of Kabul
And looking this taliban ordered its fighter to attack the provinces under the Northern alliance 2.0 and the taliban forces which launched the invasion of Panjshir included a 1000 fighters which where lead by Qari Fasihuddin Hafizullah and when they where entering the Panjshir valley they where trapped in a ambush zones in the Arab region and where 300 to 800 talibans where killed by the forces of the northern alliance and this news was later confirmed by the president Amrullah Saleh
The main challenge of the northern alliance is not the taliban control of at least 99 % afghanistan but it is the challenge related to the the challenges related to the supply of arms and ammunition , medical supplies and the food supplies and of course the financial assistance because if we observe the geographical map of afghanistan we would find out that afghanistan have 6 neighbors which include the taliban supporting pakistan and china and the countries like iran , tajikistan , uzbekistan , turkmenistan here Iran wants to stay away from both the northern alliance and the taliban and since the rest of the three countries tajikistan , uzbekistan , turkmenistan are the russian military allies and if the northern allies want any kind of military assistance it would have to arrange from these three countries only .
As of now these three countries where seen as pro taliban because they wanted to prevent any talibani incursion in their territories and in order to do so these countries sealed their borders completely with Afghanistan but now Tajikistan is standing against the taliban and is providing ammunition to the northern alliance with the help of its MI-17 helicopters
As of now these countries are busy rescuing and airlifting their citizens and the afghans supporters who supported the militaries of the NATO and the engineers and the labour of the Indian companies who are working in the various construction of buildings , dam`s and power supply grids .
As we all know that the US president Joe Biden declared that by 31 August all the US forces will be out of afghanistan it would mean that no future evacuations of the people stuck in afghanistan will be possible because the only safe place in the entire afghanistan is the Hamid Karzai International airport in kabul where these forces are still deployed and when the US and NATO forces will be removed by the 31 august the left over people will have their lives on stakes and that's why the US government is once again considering to expand the dead line of evacuation so as to get out as much people as possible
But on the other hand the talibani establishment is very much clear that the last date for the foreign troops to leave afghanistan is 31 august and if they do not comply to that the foreign forces would have to face the consequences and it would be interesting to see that whether the US extends the date of evacuation or get out of Afghanistan till 31 august 2021 or not
And is their is a attack on the american forces if they decides to stay after 31 august and coincidently taliban attacks the US and NATO forces then it is sure that the US and NATO will support the NORTHERN ALLIANCE
India has evacuated most of its people from afghanistan and before 31 august india will evacuate all of its citizens with some afghans too on the other hand India has also stationed its SU 30 MKI in unknown numbers on its over seas air force base in TAJIKISTAN which is called as the Ayni air force base
so as to keep in check that their is no talibani incursion in the indian Kashmir and if any such terrorist activity is found where a talibani hand is found then these airbases would be used to punish those and when its comes to the support of the northern alliance india can provide them with some funds because if we consider the tense situations on the Sino - India border or the LoC , INDIA is least interested in putting boots on the ground and moreover india does not have any access to get to Afghanistan