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EOTS for the AMCA mk 2 , a game changer for the Indian Air Force

So to day we are going to discuss about the EOTS , which is going to be placed on the advanced medium combat aircraft that is the amca . So to start with the BLOG we first need to know that what  is a EOTS system , and how does it helps The Fighter Pilots to track enemy aircraft . starting with the full form of eots , it stands for electro-optical targeting system , which is an  high-performance, lightweight, multi-function system that provides precision air-to-air and air-to-surface targeting capability 
Usually fighter aircraft use radar to detect the enemy aircraft , but since the technology has advanced and with the introduction of radar warning receivers , it is very easy for the enemy aircraft to pickup the searching aircraft , as the radar which detects aircraft releases radio waves which can be picked up by The Radar warning receiver and ,  if such scenarios occur where the radars of an aircraft are jammed by the electronic  warfare  equipment of the enemy , then these radar warning receivers can act as a secondary radar for an aircraft 

. new generation EOTS are equipped with thermal imaging , infrared search and track , high resolution mid wave infrared , near-infrared and many more sophisticated electronic systems which provide a high degree of both aerial and ground situation Awareness  to the pilot of the aircraft 

The first eots in the world which came into being , was developed by the American firm Lockheed Martin for its f 35 lightning 5th generation aircraft , it was the world's first sensor which combined forward looking infrared and infrared search in track . since these systems were made for stealth aircrafts and the Chinese air force was not having any stealth aircraft or a pseudostealth aircraft till 2017 , There was not much problem for the Indian Air Force 
But since the Chinese had their so called very own fifth generation aircraft the j20 , which was initially copied from the f22 and f 35 , they also try to copy the American eots , which was deployed on the F 35 and , with their lighting speed of reverse Engineering they have also  displayed it in their airshows held in China when the first j20 FLEW 

Ever since then India had been feeling an need to have a 5th generation fighter aircraft , an so Indian government initiated the indigenous program of m ka . and for that the current news which is coming from the defence research and development organisation , is that the DRDO is being working since December 2020 on a eots system which would be integrated , not on the mark one version of amca but it would be integrated on the mark 2 
this eots system would come up with and range of 500 km to 1000 km . And this kind of project is the second step for the DRDO as before this , the defence research and development organisation has developed several small eots pods weighing 175 kg for uav and helicopter which have a range of 5 to 10 km 
. If the program of eots for amca mk2 gets successful , then it would take the amka mark 2 to the level of the American f-35 . as nine years ago an American f-35 detected , 2 Rockets fire by NASA at a distance of almost 1600 km which is a great distance if we compare it to a maximum range of the newest gallium nitride based AESA radar which HAVE JUST A range of 400 km 


These kinds of EOTS are very much necessary for Fifth generation fighter aircraft as provide very high level of situational Awareness to the pilot at greater Ranges

And this kind of EOTS is very much important for the Amca mk 2 , as this will take the amca straight up to the level of American F 35 which is the most Electronical is sophisticated aircraft in the world


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