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Cabinet Committee on security clears procurement of 56 C-295 transport aircraft for the indian air force

 Hello friends today we will discuss about the defence update coming from the indian governments cabinet committee on security approval of the procurement of 56 units of C-295 aircrafts for the indian air force 

In a major boost to the make in India programme the cabinet committee on security late this evening on the 8th september 2021 cleared the long pending proposal of the Indian air force for the procurement of  56 Units of C - 295 aircrafts from the European firm Airbus . The C295 aircraft is a medium tactical transport aircraft that was designed by the CASA and later the european firm Airbus . These aircrafts  are being procured by the IAF to replace the British Hawker Siddeley HS 748 which a medium transport turboprop aircraft and also the replacement for the older soviet era  AN 32  aircrafts 

According to the contract about 16 of the aircrafts will be delivered within 48 months from the signing of the deal in a fly away condition while the remaining aircrafts will be manufactured in India by the TATA consortium within 10 years of the signing of the contract . All 56 aircrafts will be installed with indigenous electronic warfare systems .

The project will give a boost to the aerospace ecosystem in India where as several MSME`s spread all over the country will be manufacturing small small parts of the aircrafts and also the aircraft chosen i.e the c 295 is a modular aircraft which means that this aircraft can also be used as a AWACS , a tanker or a mid air refueler , an electronic warfare aircraft , and anti submarine or anti ship aircraft

The aircraft will; also be equipped with the ramp door at the back which could be used as a plane for paradropping the special forces in the enemy territory . In this contract a large number of detailed parts and major component assemblies of aerostructures manufactured in India generating 600 highly skilled jobs directly and over 3000 indirect jobs 


The deal for the indian air force is not only for the 56 , C295 aircrafts but its a deal wich will revolutionise the indian transport aircraft ecosystem and with is aircraft many new types of aircrafts can also be created  


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