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AUKUS and the supply of Nuclear submarines to the Australian Navy and how it indirectly strengthen INDIA and QUAD

 Giving a major defence boost to the australian navy and its armed forces  as well as the QUAD , on 16 september 2021 the countries of US , UK and AUSTRALIA have signed a defence pact called as AUKUS . According to which the Australian navy would be supplied with 8 new advance Nuclear attack submarines which would replace the earlier Collins class submarines of the Royal Australian Navy .

                                                           (collins class SSK submarines )

The step Has came before the upcoming QUAD nations meting in the US from the 23 of september 2021 , in which all the countries of the QUAD i.e US , JAPAN , INDIA and AUSTRALIA  will meet and discuss the ongoing geopolitical situations in the Afghanistan as well as the chines attempts of incursions in the South China Sea , and in this meeting QUAD nations would emphasis on strengthening the defence ties between all the four nations 

If we take a look at the military strength of the QUAD nations individually then we would find out the out of all the four nations the Australian Armed forces , specially the Australian Navy is the most weakest part of the QUAD and hence to strengthen the hard power of Australia , the US and UK have signed the deal with Australia to supply 8 Nuclear attack submarines   

The submarines that would be supplied to the australian navy would be the nuclear attack  SSN submarines which means that submarines will not be able to launch nuclear missiles but rather these submarines will be powered with nuclear fuel with the help of which these submarines would be able to be under water for months and would be able to do infinite distances as the fuel which would be filed in these submarines will be filled only after 25 years from the first refueling . And hence the submarines would prove to be a strong deterrent against the chinese navy the the INDO PACIFIC  and in the times of any conflict against the PLA these submarines would prove to be a big punch to the defence capabilities of Indian navy and the QUAD


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