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The Indian Navy Tender For 4 new Helicopter Carrier

Later this week the Indian navy on 24.8.2021 for four new landing platform dock but if we look at the specifications which are been released by the indian navy to increase its capabilities to transport and land ashore a combined arms force of the indian army and the secondary role in which these carriers will be used to undertake Out of Area Contingencies (OOAC) through its inherent capability to transport and deploy forces ashore, ability to arrive quickly in area, and sustain operations at sea for prolonged durations. LPDs will act as Command Centre for the Commander, Amphibious Task Force, Landing Force Commander and the Air Force Commander and also undertake Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief Missions. 

image for representative purpose

 as of now the indian navy is operating just one LPD which is INS Jalashwa which is just 16,000 tons and was bought from the United States whi9ch is a austin class amphibious transport dock  which limits the offensive amphibious capabilities o0f the indian navy and the indian army

Ins Jalashwa


COMPLIMENT AND ACCOMODATION                                            60 OFFICERS , 
                                                                                             470 SAILORS , 
                                                                                                                    900 ARMY TROOPS FOR                                                                                                                        AMPHIBIOUS ASSAULT

LENGTH                                                                                      less than or equals to 200m

DROUGHT                                                                                                              8 m

Speed Max sustained speed                                         > 20 knots and cruising speed of 14 – 16 knots. 

Endurance                                                   (a) 10,000 nm at economical speed with 25% reserve fuel.                                                                          (b) > 45 days in terms of machinery, fuel.                                                                                                (c) 60 days in terms of logistics support for the embarked                                                                                                       troops and ship’s company.                         

PDMS                                            VLSRSAM (32 missiles). 

 CIWS                                            (a) 4 x AK 630 with Electro Optical Fire Control System (EOFCS).                                                           (b) 06 X HMGs with stabilised gun control stations/ SRCGs.                                                                     (c) Directed Energy Weapon (in lieu of AK 630 when developed).                                                             (d) 08 x MMGs.

Electronic Warfare                                  Integrated EW system comprising of ESM and ECM                                                                                                    subsystem interfaced with CMS

Radar/ Optical Sensor                      (a) 01 x E/ F Band combined Air and Surface Surveillance Radar.                                                              (b) 01 x 3D C/ D Band Air Surveillance Radar.                                                                                            (c) 01 x Surface Surveillance Radar.                                                                                                            (d) 02 x ‘I’ Band and 01 X E/F COTS Radars.                                                                                              (e) 01 X EOIRST.

 Aviation                           (a) The ship should have a ‘through deck’ design and be capable of                                                                   accommodating at least 02 Heavy Lift Helicopters, 12 Special                                                                   Operations Helicopters and 02 NSUAS and permit simultaneous                                                              operations of at least 04 Special Ops helicopters (includes operation of                                                      01 NSUAS in lieu). Out of these, at least 12 Special Operations                                                                  Helicopters and 02 NSUAS would be stowed inside the hangar and                                                            at least 02 Heavy Lift Helicopters would be parked on the deck in                                                              folded configuration.                         

                                               (b) The foremost helicopter spot is to be strengthened to operate a Heavy                                                       Lift Helicopter, with max All Up Weight of 40 Tons.

Amphibious Capability                           (a) 04 x LCMs                                                                                                                                              (b) 04 x LCVPs.                                                                                                                                            (c) To be fitted for to operate two LCACs or two L-CATs.

Hangar Lifts                                   LPD is   to be fitted with two aircraft lifts, one main and one                                                                    standby lift. The main lift should serve the hangar as well as the                                                                 vehicle deck(s). The dimensions of the Main lift should be of 24m                                                             X 20 m and the Secondary lift of 22 m X 10m with both permitting                                                           m   a load bearing capability of 24 T.


a)     Type of ship

If we see the tender carefully we would find out that the indian navy on the name of landing platform dock which have a weight of maximum 25,000 ton is asking for a landing helicopter dock which weighs 30,000 to 40,000 tons because of the bureaucracy and some of the indian navy specifications which mimicked as the biggest hurdle in the defence procurement procedures . For example the indian navy in 2004 launched a programme for 4 landing platform dock ( LPD ) which was put on hold for a very long time and eventually in 2020 it had to be cancelled because of the bureaucracy and some of the specifications of the indian navy too because it had very high budget constraints and demanded very high level of advancement in the technologies and here in just $ 2 billion the indian navy had to buy all the 4 LPD which would weigh at least 20,000 tons which was impossible . But now the indian navy is all set to buy new 4 LHD in name of 4 LPD 

b) Which are the potential ships 

so if we take a look at the specifications described by the indian navy their is no LPD which is currently in the service which can fulfill the navies requirements and if look at the delivery period of the first ship from the signing of the contract it is impossible to design and complete the sea trials a new ship from zero within that time limit  and the only ships which can fulfill the navies requirement are the LHD or the helicopter carriers and the and their are only some contenders which can take part in this tender and they are as follows

1. American wasp class or america class helicopter carriers

2.  Russian pROJECT 23900E

c)  Types of aircrafts

if we see the dimensions of the lift then we could found out that the carriers would be capable to deploy the american VTOL F 35 aircraft which is the vertical lift plane

and also the navy can consider do buy several other type of helicopters of the Indian , US and Russian origin 

Out of which for the special mission purpose  could include the russian Kamov series of helicopters

, Indian naval dhruv and the IMRH helicopter and the american sea hawk , MH 60 R Romeo ASH 


                                                                           MH 60 R

and  for the the Total 8 heavy lift helicopters on the four carriers will be the Indian Navy could go on for the also the american V 22 Osprey, CH 53 King Stallion The main contender out of these two can be the V 22 because the Indian Navy was long interested in buying this aircraft as this can takeoff like a helicopter and move like a commercial airliner with greater speeds and the indian navy was also briefed by the american firm Boing that in a sum of $2 billion he indian navy could buy such 8 aircrafts 
V 22 Osprey

CH 53


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