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Afghanistan officially the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, is a mountainous landlocked at the crossroads of central and south asia . Afghanistan is bordered by Pakistan to the east and south; Iran to the west; Turkmenistan , Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan to the north; and China to the northeast. Occupying 652,000 square kilometers kabul is the capital and largest city. Its population is around 32 million, composed mostly of ethnic pashtuns, Tajikis, Hazaras, and Uzbeks

The Great Game" was a political and diplomatic confrontation that existed for most of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century between the british empire when they invaded india and the russian empire, over Afghanistan Britain was fearful of Russia invading India to increase its reach to have its maritime borders in the indian oceans bu add to the vast empire that Russia wailding. As a result, there was a deep atmosphere of distrust and the talk of war between the two major EUROPIAN empires

Britain made it a high priority to protect all the approaches to India, and the "great game" is primarily how the British did thisThe Great Game began on 12 January 1830 when lordellenborough, the President of the Board of Control for India, tasked william bennetrick , the governer generall, with establishing a new trade wroute to the emerate of bukhara Britain intended to gain control over the kingdom of afghanistan and make it a protectorate, and to use the ottoman empire, the persian empire, the khanate of khiva, and the Emirate of Bukhara as buffer states between both empires. This would protect India and also key British sea trade routes by stopping Russia from gaining a port on the persian gulf or the the indian ocean

                     dark blue - British India
  yellow -Afghanistan
Orange - USSR
Green - china

The USSR or THE SOVIET UNION had a border with afghanistan and according to some western historians the sovirts had the plans to invade  afghanistan and and then from there persia which is today called as IRAN 

Untill the British remained in India they maintained a peaceful relationship with the SOVIETS because they needed the soviet help in the second world War to stop a possible sea invasion of Britain by the Germans

After the WW2 in 1945 two superpowers USA and the USSR emerged and tried to take the  control of the world and by the 1947 INDIA was given independence and Pakistan was born because of which all the possibilities of India having a border with the afghans ended and India was pushed away from the afghans in 1947 

As the two superpowers emerged in the world the tensions between them started rising to a great extinct for the control of the world 
Through out the cold war both the super powers engaged themselves in some or the other kind of war in the world so as to sell their weapons 

On 1 Nov 1955 the Vietnam War broke out and both the americans and the SOVIETS chose the opposite sides americans from the south Vietnam and the SOVIETS from the north Vietnam 

It was the bloodiest war which americans have had ever fought in the cold war as america suffered 60000 deaths and it was the biggest war which America lost to the tribal Vietnamese on 30 apr 1975 and it was a great humiliation for the americans 

The morale of SOVIETS after winning the Vietnam War was on its peak and this victory encouraged the SOVIETS to achieve their dream of the SOVIET SUPREMACY all over the world 
After the Vietnam War the SOVIETS  Invaded afghanistan as the soviet presence in the indian ocean region was limited and also the SOVIETS wanted a short path for their nuclear submarines to reach to the American costs and and destroy America in any scenario of war with America 

Pakistan knew that once the SOVIETS reach the AF-PAK border or the today's Durand line then the next target will be pakistan because at that time the soviet had a option to either invade iran or pakistan , but pakistan was a ideal option because at that time pakistan was too weak and they believe that If war waged out with the soviets then the pakistanis would have to fight the war on two fronts 
At that time pakistan was under military  dictatorship and it was controlled  by general zia-ul-haq he went to the then American president Jimmy Carter and gave him a proposal  that the americans have faced a lot of casualties and it was a very shameful defeat for America.

 He asked him to give pakistan money and weapons to destroy the soviet invading army And make afghanistan a Vietnam  for the soviet union ,this proposal was readily accepted by the American president and they gave money and weapons to the pakistani military dictatorship and the pakistani military  decided to recruit jihadis and the Mujahideens from all around the world in the name of Islam and they gave the reason that the soviets have invaded a Muslim country.

Initially the americans did not went in the war directly but they provided pakistan with money and weapons and the pakistanis formed organisations which were named as taliban and al-quaida they infiltrated thousands of jihadis and Mujahideens in the soviet invaded afghanistan territory.
talibani flag

The war lasted for almost 10 years and on 15 may 1988 under the leadership of colonel general Boris gromov. The soviet escape from afghanistan  began and the final soviet forces left afghanistan  by 15 February 1989 from that time onwards afghanistan  was primarily ruled by taliban and Al- quaida but the americans did nothing to them as they followed radical Islamic laws in their country and behead anyone who would raise their voice against these kinds of organisations. Until and unless those times the definition  of terrorism  was not defined and the United States didn't  not consider it to be terrorism. 

But when the terrorists of al-quaida hijack the planes and bombarded it in the world trade centre at new york and 3000 innocent people  lost their life in those attacks

 . United States decided to invade afghanistan ,they used the bin kasim port of Karachi in pakistan to deploy their army , airforce, marines with their logistics and heavy equipments like tanks, apc, drones like predator, avenger, c gaurdian and fighter aircraft , heavy transport aircraft.
The americans  stayed in afghanistan from 2001 to 2021 they have spent 20 years in afghanistan  executing their anti- terror ops but they were not at all successfull  because the talibanis had an indirect support of pakistan and the newly formed Russian federation and they also used the tactics of gorilla  war fare in which the talibanis stayed in the caves which were in the cold mountains of Afghanistan due to this terrain it was impossible for the americans to kill all  the terrorists  at a single time and the recruitment of the talibani was so high that if the americans would kill a 100 terrorists in a week there would be around 200 to 300 men who where ready to join the taliban 

In this way after spending 20 years investing afghanistan Americans and their allies which is the NATO where somewhat successful in containing taliban within afghanistan but where not able to destroy the talibanis completely and also the tensions between the americans and the Chinese where increasing day by day in the south china sea and obviously china is a bigger threat so the americans decided to vacate afghanistan and consolidate their forces on the gates of china
So when the President Donald Trump stepped in 2016 he decided to pull out their forces from afghanistan and then his succeeding President Joe Biden gave a dead line to the pentagon to pull out all the forces from afghanistan till 31 August 2021
The americans decided to mediate between the taliban and the government and pull out of afghanistan 


Since the americans decided to vacate afghanistan new forces are trying to take over the afghanistan territory because afghanistan is highly rich in minerals and metals so every major power wants to come here and exploit the resources for their use but without having a dialog with the taliban no one can excavate a single stone because most of the mineral rich regions of afghanistan are under the talibani control 

The possible players can be china , russia , India, Iran . All of these countries have started having dialog with the talibanis and the the local government for development of afghanistan 

After the withdrawal the talibans stated occupying land after land in afghanistan recently when the American left the bagram airforce station within a short notice the talibani went over there and took control of the airbase and because of the sheer numbers of talibani it is highly possible that the talibanis would eventually take the control of Afghanistan 


1    Russia -   Russia have deployed its ground and air forces on the borders of Tajikistan to prevent any possible invasion of taliban in the central Asia region and they have airlifted their diplomats from afghanistan 

2 China -  they have also had airlifted their diplomats from afghanistan and is in talks with the afghans to setup a military base I afghanistan 


1)   Indians have also had airlifted their diplomats from the indian consulate and India is also in the talks with the talibanis through the mode of backdoor diplomacy because India wants to prevent any talibani incursion in Jammu kashmir from the wakhan corridor because the pakistani terrorist have failed to do 

RECENT reports suggest that when the indian forign minister S Jaishankar went on his visit to Russia he stayed in Iran and the reports also suggest that he also had the meeting with the certain talibani leaders but the reports which claimed that jaishankar met with taliban where rejected by India later

2)   pakistani and the afghani news agencies claim that the indian C-17 globemaster which went to afghanistan to airlift indian nationals carried around 40 tons of weapons for the afghani defence forces The fact is that India remains interested in Afghanistan and is trying to find ways to stay relevant in the emerging equations in the neighbouring country. With Pakistan being totally opposed to Indian role in Afghanistan, it is but natural that India would explore the options of engagement with Iran and Russia to open up to new equations that emerge in Afghanistan
The airspace taken by indian C 17 globemaster prooved that if india  would have to go to afghanistan with its military boots then using the pakistani airspace is not compulsory 


if needed India should send boots in afghanistan so as to protect the indian intrests in afghanistan and to maintain peace in the region and also to engage the pakistani on a two front situatons which they do to India with the help of china


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