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                    ANATOLIAN      EAGLE

Anatolian  Eagle  2021  was  a two week live tactical flight training exercise conducted between 21 June and 2 July and hosted by Third Main Jet Base Konya, Turkey. Units from the Turkish Air Force and Navy, Azerbaijan, Pakistan, Qatar Emiri Air Force and the NATO E-3A AWACS participated in the exercise.

The International Anatolian Eagle Exercise is carried out every year at the Anatolian Eagle Training Center (Konya) in a realistic combat environment to improve the capabilities of national and foreign elements, test new tactics and techniques, develop joint and combined operational procedures, and maximize mission effectiveness by increasing mutual support between forces.

With training aids such as the Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation (ACMI) System and the Post-Mission Analysis System, which are used to evaluate the training performance simultaneously or in a very short time, Anatolian Eagle provides an advanced joint training environment to the participating elements to increase their combat readiness level.


Rcently of Pakistani Airforce participated in the  Anatoilan Eagle  with their newely CHINESE built JF17 Thunder   in TURKEY Pakistani reports claim that since the QATARI airforce participated in the exercise  ANATOLIAN EAGLE with their french bought RAFALE

 The PAF contingent comprised JF-17 Thunder aircraft along with personnel from various PAF units and squadrons. The exercise is aimed at enhancing interoperability between the participating air forces


  One of the significant reasons behind the superiority of the Indian Rafales over their Qatari or Egyptian counterparts can also be tethered down to the difference in overall requirements As a matter of fact, the IAF pressed on for the late additions to the new fighter jets which included ‘Hammer’ precision-guided munitions and advanced navigation systems

Moreover, according to an official source, there are currently 13 India Specific Enhancement (ISE) capabilities sought by the IAF, which will be incorporated in batches after April 2022 AND also indian rafale is a aircraft which has a nuclear delivary role where qatar does not have any such nuke weapons

  “In a modern fighter, software costs can be as much as 60% of total costs. The IAF will have access to source code that will allow customization of weapon fit, displays, EW algorithms, threat evaluation, etc. It’s unlikely that qatar will have similar source code access at their purchase price.


Since Pakistani Jf 17 is a 3++ generation fighter aircraft  buit by china`s chengdu aircraft industry complex 

since China-US relations are almost at a level of rivalry so the US and its allies  which do operate the western military equipment do not allow either the russian nor the chinese military equipment to operate with their equipment because their is always a risk of confidential data breach by the chinese systems in the form of hacking

(Link 17)

Fighter jets use data links to communicate  with each other and are also used for data transfer the pakistani F16 uses , link 16 as a data link to communicate with the F16 within the pakistani inventory which is also the official data link used the NATO countries to communicate with their fighter aircraft 

(Western link 16)

since pakistani JF17 is a chinese built aircraft so it can`not use the link 16 which is in the f 16 so witht the help of the chinese pakistani`s developed a data link system for their JF17 which is called the link 17   

since link 16 is a pure western data link system and the link 17 is a pure chinese data link so both of them cannot talk or communicate or share data with each other  

As we know that RAFALE is a western aircraft which is developed by FRANCE which may or may not operate on link 16 but it shurely can`not operate with the chinese link 17  as it may either use link 16 or it may use any other local data link developed by french industeris


pakistani  JF 17  uses the chinese link 17 which is incompatable with the western data links so the pakistani claims of JF17 operating with the RAFALE and the argument of learning the tactics of how to counter the indian rafale with the help of the qatari rafale is bogus 

and so clicking pictures with rafale and wearing patches on the chest does not mean that a pilot has developed the tactics to counter rafale 

but in case if the pakistani pilots have had learned something from a dual seater version then also it will affect the IAF the least as the indian rafale is far more better then the qatari rafale in the terms of software upgrades  

the pakistani pilots can learn about some of the tactics from the qatari pilots  to counter the indian rafale  only on pen and paper but when it comes to countering them in the air is not possible because to develop tactics in air one needs to communicate with each other which is not possible in this case


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