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 THE  SECREAT MISSILE     OF INDIA                                                    AGNI 6

All around the world there are 9 nuclear states which are are USA, RUSSIA, CHINA , FRANCE , UK , INDIA , PAKISTAN , NORTH KOREA and ISRAEL

All of these countries need some kind of nuclear weapon delivary system to deploy or fire their nuclear weapons and in this era of changing geopolitics every country want`s to make its borders safe from all the extenal threats the threats may just not lie on its border but can also lie in a different continet i.e a asian country may have its enemy in north america or in europe

Nuclear weapons are believed to be the best deterant (a weapon kept to prevent your enemy to attack your country ) among all the countries in the world 

SO  ICBM`s (INTER CONTINENTAL BALLESTIC MISSILES ) where developed during the cold war which had the ranges from 10000 to 15000 km range  The first successful test followed on 21 August 1957; the R-7 flew over 6,000 km (3,700 mi) and became the world's first ICBM. The first strategic-missile unit became operational on 9 February 1959 at PLESETSK in north-west Russia.


Due to the cold war every major country who was either on the side of NATO headed by USA or in the EASTEN BLOCK headed by the USSR started developing their ICBM but most of them didn`t got success

the countries which where successful in this race where RUSSIA , USA , FRANCE , BRITAIN AND CHINA


Because of the rising tensions between India and China, India  had to develop its new ICBM which was called as AGNI 5  which lead india to exclusive club of 5 COUNTRIES which had the calpabilities to destroy any country in the world with its nuclear weapons 

AGNI 5 has a range of 5500 km to 8000 km which has thecapability to target any place of china , half of EUROPE  , russia , PARTS OF AFRICA 

But India didn`t wanted to stop here and wanted to catch up with the the West in terms of missile technology because the chinese had developed their DONGFANG SERIES OF MISSILES which had the capability to go up to 14000 km and  india also wanted to  fullfill its growing ambitions of regainig its status of world superpower which india had lost after the invason of the British .

Higher ranges does not only mean that you are able to destroy long range targets but these kind of long range ICBM does also offers a high kinetic energy or speed [from 25 to 40 times the speed of sound ] which is very helpfull to bypass any ballestic missile shield deployed in the targeted area because ofwhich you dosen`t need to launch 4 to 5 misiles at a same area hoping that atleast one of the launched missiles is able to bypass the air defence shield and explode but with these kind of long range high speed ICBM is very easy to do so and also its economically viable  


 1.   India wated to develop DEDICATED ICBM which could reach the distances up             13000 km so as to PROTECT its intrests in the world from any country around  the globe On 20 June 2011, Indian Defence News published an article titled India Serious About 10,000 km ICBM which stated that India is seriously contemplating to enhance the reach of its strategic missiles and that the Ministry of Defense is considering a DRDO proposal to develop intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capable of hitting targets 13,000 km away. Building an ICBM has  ultimate decision to go ahead with the proposal would be taken by the PMO

  2.  Agni 6 is believed to have its code name as Surya (the sun) missile and was displayed  at an exhibition and its believed that it is ready  just as the ASAT (anti sattelite misile ) was ready after the launch of the launch of AGNI5 missile in 2011 but was not tested untill15 APR 2019   and now its the same case with the agni 6

AGNI 6 aka SURYA as a model at a desplay in a exhibition at IIT KANPUR which prooves its existance and aslo the DRDO (the defence reserch and developmet organisation ) scientists has never denied the existance of this programme

3.  Any country with a successfull space programme is believed to have the capability to target and deploy its nuclear weapons on any part of this world
because if the country is able to lauch a heavy or even a medium weight sattelite in HIGHER EARTH ORBIT can eventually use its space launch vehicles to destroy any part of this planet

 India does have a successful space programme called as ISRO 

Due to which the rockets which are currently in the service with the ISRO can be directly used or the technologies from the PSLV and the GSLV can be derieved and can be used to make some of the best ICBM in the world  

 In January 2013, DRDO chief VK SARASWAT

said that after the development of AGNI 5, DRDO will develop Agni VI by 2026 He said that the missile design has been completed and DRDO is in the hardware realisation phase In September 2013, DRDO chief said that India can achieve a missile with a range of more than 10,000 km within "two and a half years", adding that increasing the range of a missile is the least challenging task.


Its highly likely that india does have AGNI 6 or SURYA missile and just because of the concerns of western nations imposing sanctions on the country India is not testing this missile 

but if india does not really have that missile then india can shurely prepair a long range ICBM within a few months with the experties gained in the AGNI 5 programe and the ISRO programe


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