India is the worlds 6th most powerfull nuclear state and in the nuclear domain it just not takes development of the nuclear werapons but it also takes the development of the delivary systems of the delivary systems
there are three types of nuclear delivary systems
1 Land launch systems
2 Air launch systems
3 Naval launch system
India is one of the only 6 countries in the world which have NUCLEAR TRIAD
Which means in any case of nuclear war if allthe land based nuclear weapons of a country is destroyed then the country will with a nuclear triad that country would be able to launch its counter nuclear strike on the enemy and that capability is known as the
INDIA have some of the largest land based nuclear delivary systems and are some ofthe most accurate and the most technologically advance systems in the world
Land based nuclear system comprise of ballestic missiles and cruise missiles
Ballestic missiles
TACTICAL BALLESTIC MISSILE - these missiles are short range ballestic missiles
- tactical ballestic missile : Range between about 150 to 300 kilometres (93 to 186 mi)
- Short range ballestic missile (SRBM): Range between 300 to 1,000 kilometres (190 to 620 mi)
- Medium Range Ballestic Missile (MRBM): Range between 1,000 to 3,500 kilometres (620 to 2,170 mi)
- INTERMEDIATE RANGE BALLESTIC. MISSILE (IRBM) or long-range ballistic missile (LRBM): Range between 3,500 to 5,500 kilometres (2,200 to 3,400 mi)
- Intercontinental ballistic missile(ICBM): Range greater than 5,500 kilometres (3,400 mi)
cruise missiles
brahmos er
Brahmos ng
brahmos 2
Air launch nuclear weapons can be launched by tactical fighter or by the stretigic bombers INDIA does not operate strategic bombers so indian air force would have to launch its nuclear weapons by tactical fighters which are the actually the fighter aircrafts which can perform ground attack roles
mirage 2000
air force can also launch its nuclear weapons by its air to ground brahmos missile by its sukhoi 30 mki
Naval missiles are the most important feature of the nuclear triad as if the entire nukes of the land and air launched air misiles are destroyed then the missiles which are deployed on the Nuclear submarines can be launched because the nuclear ballestic missile submarine i.e SSBN can stay down the surface ofthe oceans for monthes which can reach at the shores of the enemy and can launch its nuclear ballestic missiles on the enemy and it takes much less time then the land based nuclear missiles
naval launch missiles of india are
K15 sagarika 750km range
k4 3500
k5 5000km range , k6 6000- 8000km range are under development
dhanush 750km range