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Chinese Type 002 aircraft carrier vs Indian aircraft carrier INS Vikrant

INDIAN  AIRCRAFT CARRIER                                                            VS                                                                         CHINESE AIRCRAFT CARRIER

Aircraft carriers are the biggest military equipment or warships which are used by any country in the world  . Without a aircraft carrier no country in the world can even imagine to become a global super power as the aircraft carriers are the main weapon which can project a countries military might to the enemy nation

Aircraft carriers are small floating airfields on which aircraft such as fighter planes and helicopters can take on and take off and these warships are operated by only few countries around the world 

Both the Indian navy and the Chinese navy have been operating air craft carriers in their respective navies(indian navies carriers)
and after the Galwan incident where Indian side faced 20 casualties and the Chinese faced 60 deaths both countries are in a race to induct as much amount of weapons in their inventory as possible aka its the beginning of the new arms race or a cold war in the Indo Pacific region 


the indian aircraft carrier ins vikrant was laid down on 28 feb 2009 and it was launched on 12 august 2013  . It is STOBAR  (short take off but arrester recovery ) type aircraft carrier and it has costed India around 3.7 billion dollars the indian aircraft carrier ins vikrant is being constructed by cocchin shipyad at kerala till date the aircraft carrier is complete and from next week it be starting its sea trials and it will be inducted in the indian navy by the first quarter of 2022 


This chinese  aircraft carrier is the second aircraft carrier and is the first indiginous aircraft carrier of the chinese navy . It was constructed by the Daniel shipyard industry . The construction of the aircraft carrier started in november 2013 and was launched on 26 april 2017 , it was compleated on 25 april 2018 and the currently its in the service with the peolpes liberation army navy aka the chinese navy

This aircraft carrier has costed china a sum of 4.8 billion dollers

                   Statistics    comparision

1.     Displacement 


2.   Length

3.   Engine's

4.   Speed
5.  Range

6.   Radar


1.   INS Vikrant uses 4 x otobreda 76mm cannons which provide close firing capabilities 
      the rate of fire of this gun is 120 rounds per minute  and its range is 40 km

            where as on the other hand the chinese shandong does not have these capabilities

2.     Air defence systems

          for air Defence Ins Vikrant uses 64x barak 8 missiles 
          which have a range of  150 km

          The chinese aircraft carrier uses 54 x HQ 10 air defence missile  which have a range              of just 10 km

3.   CIWS or Close in weapon system

   INS VIKRANT uses 4 x AK630 Close in weapon system
                  which have effective firing range of 4km for aerial target
                                                                 and 5km for ships

the ak 630 can fire 6000 rounds per minute

on The other hand the chinese uses 3 x TYPE 1130 chlose in weapon system
which have a maximum firing range of just 3 km 
but the main advantage of the chinese gun is that it can fire 11000 rounds per minute

4.     aircraft carried by both the aircraft carriers

                                                    INS VIKRANT

INS VIKRANT can carry maximum 40 aircrafts out of which 26 would be fixed wing MIG 29K fighter aircraft 

and with it INS VIKRANT would carry 10  kamov ka 31 AWAC and KAMOV KA28 ASW AND some MH60 R ROMEO helicopters with it





Shandong can carry 44 aircrafts out of which

 32 will be Shenyang J15

8 Changhe Z- 18 HELICOPTER

4   Harbin Z9

It seems that the chinese aircraft carrier can carry more fighter aircrafts than the indian aircraft carrier but the quality of the indian mig 29k is far more superiour than the chinese J 15 because of some reasons 

1.  Mig 29k is original aircraft bought from RUSSIA whereas the chinese J 15 is the copy of the russian SU33 carrier born aircraft 

2. The Russians used to operate both the Su33 and the mig 29 k but the russian navy suggested that for their carrier mig 29 k is the best suited because SU33 is a heavy fighter aircraft and since all three nations ( RUSSIA , 
 INDIA AND CHINA)  uses a STOBAR type aircraft carrier ( means that the front of the carrier is slightly lifted up so as to provide some hight to the aircraft launched

heavy fighter can not be a ideal option for them because their thrust to weight ratio is very bad for STOBAR carrier operations

Even the americans who have the biggest aircraft carriers in the world operate only medium class F18 from their carriers f18

So for these kind of STOBAR aircraft carriers medium class fighter are the best suited because they can be easily launched and also they occupy less space on the carriers 

Bur the chinese operate only heavy class fighter aircraft on their Shandong aircraft carrier 

3.     The Mig 29k is far ahead of the chinese copy of the SU33 and the Beijing-based Sina Military Network commented that J-15 is incapable of taking off from Liaoning with full combat load of weapons which cripples its firepower and attack range.

4.    J-15 during a mission can only be armed with two YJ-83Ks and two PL-8s for strike roles where it can carry just 25% of the fuel seriously hindering its operational range which is just 125 kms.

Indian Navy Mig-29K on the other hand can takeoff with full combat load of 5.5 tonnes and carry a combination of Anti-Ship Missiles , PGMs , Fuel Tanks , Air-to-Air Missiles and has a range of 1300 kms which in comparison to J-15 is manifold times greater.


The chinese aircraft carrier is the copy of the uncompleted soviet era aircraft carrier where as the I aircraft carrier is new from every aspect

The chinese shandong aircraft carrier does not have that much range to reach Indian shores so if it ever tries to reach indian shores it would have to refuel and when we talk of the aircraft carriers they travel with a big carrier battle group which includes all kind of destroyers , corvette,  frigates,  submarines etc and they take days to refuel and the Chinese does not have that any military base in the indian ocean which is safe from the reach of the Indian carrier battle group

As well I aircraft carrier far more advance and it's air defence missiles are more in numbers , are advance , and also have greater ranges 

And also India as a country have been operating aircraft carriers since 65 years where as the chinese have started operating aircraft carriers only after 2012

So We can say that the Indian Aircraft Carrier INS VIKRANT is far more superiour than the chinese shandong aircraft carrier


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