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Amca or advance medium combat aircraft is a fifth generation aircraft programme which is innitiated by te indian government to develop amd induct a 5th generation fighter aircraft by 2030   The design of the aircraft is developed by Aeronotical Development Agency (ADA) and development agency constituted under Defence Research and development organisation (DRDO).

It is expected to be produced by a public-private joint venture between the DRDO, hindustan aeronotics limited (HAL), and an Indian private company  The programme has an aim to develop the prototype of the aircraft by 2024 and to carry out its first flight by 2025 and to start its production and induction in the INDIAN AIR FORCE by 2028

AMCA will be a single-seat,twin engine, stealth all-weather multi role aircraft The AMCA which is intended to perform a multitude of missions including air superiority, ground attack , supperssion of enemy air defence  and electronic warfare (EW) missions . The AMCA design is optimised for low radar cross section and supercruise capability . Feasibility study on AMCA  the project entered the detailed design phase in February 2019. A CAD model of the aircraft was shown at Aero India 2021. The AMCA is currently the only fifth generation fighter . AMCA would be the third supersonic jet of Indian origin after the HF 24 MARUT and HAL TEJAS

According to latest news AMCA will be going to be a 5.5 generation aircraft because in the present times the new race has been started by the world powers to develop a 6th generation aircraft and India didn`t wanted to lag behind these countries so india decided to make a 5.5 generation aircraft which would take less time to be upgraded into a sixth generation aircraft 


  • Crew: One pilot
  • Length: 18 m 
  • Height: 4.8 m
  •   area: 39.9 m2 
  • Empty weight: 11,000 kg
  • Gross weight: 18,000 kg
  • Max takeoff weight: 25,000[76] kg 
  • Fuel capacity: 6,500kg
  • Powerplant: 2 × Modified GE 414 for innitial batches  58kn dry thrust and 98kn  with afterburner

the rest of the fighters will be equipped with the engine which is jointly being manufacutred by INDIAN HAL and BRITISH ROLLS ROYCE which will have a dry thrust of 110 Kn and in future it would have the capability to be got modified and its Thrust could be increased to 140 kn

  • Maximum speed: Mach 2.10
  • Range: 3,240 km 
  • Combat range: 1,620 km 
  • Ferry range: 5,324 km  
  • Service ceiling: 20,000 m (65,000 ft)

  • Guns: 23 mm GSh-23 cannon

  • Hardpoints: 14 (in non stealth version) with a capacity of around 9 tons 


1                         Air to air missiles 

2                                 Air  to  ground 




     1)        RADARS

AMCA will be equipped with a next generation radar which will be made from the compound called as GALLIUM NITRIDE, the current radars which are in service uses a GALLIUM ARCENIDE which is the It's believed that the GALLIUM NITRIDE radars are much more capable and are much more power efficient then the GALLIUM arcenide radars and these kind of materials will be used in the new version of UTTAM AESA radar which will be able to detect stealth aircrafts 

And also sensor fusion will also be introduced in this aircraft

for example - If In a war like scenario for a normal aircraft any anti aircraft missile is launched even if it is not targeted on the plane then also the missiles indicator will beep and would create a kind of chaos in the cockpit and would decrease the level of awareness of the pilot In the aircraft

But if it's a aircraft which is installed with a technology called sensor fusion it would automatically calculate the trajectory of the incoming missile in case if the missile is not pointed on its aircraft the sensor fusion technology will automatically undermine that and would not allow the missile indicator to beep in this way it will not force the pilot to get distracted from his mission and thus increases the situation awareness of the pilot and it allows the men to concentrate on their mission

   2)              COCKPIT 

AMCA will be equipped with a full glass cockpit and will come up with a wide area display 

The wide area display would help to display only required information on the main screen and the other non necessary information will not been sown by the computer in the aircraft itself 

Also the  control stick will not be placed In the middle of the legs of the pilots as usual . Their will be side stics  which would allow a greater comfort level to the pilot In the cockpit

3)              RADAR   CROSS   SECTION  

Since Amca is going to be a fifth generation aircraft  emmisions from the aircraft need to be hidden so that the radar could not detect the aircraft 

 Amca will be refined in such a way that it's  external design only it would be able to distort the maximum radar waves coming from a radar and to master this many refinements where also introduced in the innitial design of the air craft

The angle between the two surfaces of the aircraft is made such that not two surfaces meet at 90° which could increase the RCS of the aircraft to a great extinct 

This AMCA is mainly a diamond shape of aircraft which with the help of its external body only would be able to deflect maximum radar waves 

And also it would be painted with RADAR ABSORBENT MATERIAL which are already developed in India Indigenously Materials scientists at the Indian Institute of Technology in Roorkee (IIT-R) have developed microwave absorbing nanocomposite coatings that could make aircraft almost invisible to radar.

Also their are attempts to reduce the RCS from the frontal configuration by using the simple geometric DSI ( Diverterless supersonic inlet ) which reduces the RCS of the blades which revolves in the 

IN the technique of DSI a frontal bulge is created on the air intake of the plane


4 )              IR   SIGNATURE  CONTROL 

This aircraft will be equipped with 3D IRST ( infrared search and track ) sensors which would be placed all around the aircraft which would offer the pilot with a greater situational awareness cause if Although a plane can be made invisible to radar but when it comes to emmisions the fighter jets excrete a large amount of heat energy from its exhaust nozzel

The US have tried to reduce the IR signature of its F22 raptor by using SQUARE nozzles which are very good at first but are very difficult to maintain In a stealth aircraft

F22 exhaust

But these kind of nozzels are not economical viable so they introduced the traditional circular nozzels in their next aircraft which was the F 35 lightning

F35 exhaust 

So the INDIAN airforce have also decided to learn from the mistakes of the americans and have decided to go up with the traditional circular exhausts , in which the innitial orders of the AMCA would include the American GE F414 engine and the follow on orders will be compleated with the engine which would be developed jointly by INDIAN DRDO and the British ROLLS ROYCE which wold have less IR emmisions and would be more powerful then the f414 engine 


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