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On 14 august Taliban surrounded the capital of Afghanistan , Kabul and on 15 August after a peaceful dialogue without firing a single shot . Ashraf Ghani the president of Afghanistan surrendered and gave his resignation as the President of the Islamic Republic Of Afghanistan and ran away from the country and according to some western media reports is in UAE    With the resignation of the President of Afghanistan the generals of the Afghanistan defense forces have also surrendered and Taliban have fully taken over the governance of the country with Abdul Ghani Baradar as the new president of Afghanistan they have also renamed the country from Islamic republic Of Afghanistan to Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan have changed the logo (emblem) of the country and have also decided to change the flag of the country              THE FUTURE AND CHALLENGES AHEAD OF TALIBAN    Since Taliban have taken over Afghanistan the fate of the Afghan people and country lie

The need for third aircraft carrier for the indian navy and the so called problems with INS VIKRANT

  India is the worlds 7th biggest country in the world if we consider the area of the nation . The sea coasts of India is 7500 km  The shape of india in the down south which touches the ocean is a delta or a triangle shaped due to which it requires a larger navy because in any kind of war their should be at least two naval fleets to command and protect the maritime interests and the sovereignty of the nation because unless a country like pakistan which have a linear shaped coast line it would be very easy for the pakistani navy to reach from east to west or vice versa but the indian navy would have to travel a long distance to travel from east to west And that`s why the Indian navy being a potent aircraft carrier force in the region for more than 60 years the Indian navy have expressed a minimum requirement of 3 aircraft carriers to guard both the east and the west coasts of the nation present and reti


    PEOPLES   REPUBLIC   OF   COPYCAT   CHINA          Yes you have read it correct that the country's name is not Peoples republic of china but it is the Peoples Republic Of Copycat China . Recently a Chinese Twitter user have tweeted a picture on the made in India aircraft carrier INS VIKRANT  saying that most of the equipment on the indian carrier are actually imported from the western world and if they are imported then how can the indians call it a indigenous aircraft carrier  First of all the indian aircraft carrier is completely designed in India and the equipments and the material used in the carrier is about 76 % which itself declares it to be a made in india aircraft carrier  The question arises that why are the chinese so interested in the indian aircraft carrier . The answer is the south china sea conflict which is a free sea but china considers it to be a disputed territory and the reason which the Chinese Communist Party ( CCP ) g